The exhibition “Picasso. Blue and pink”

It may be forgotten too easily, but before inventing Cubism, Picasso was already Picasso. Certainly he did not look like that old man with his bald head and blue sailor, but the genius he already possessed. When he began his blue period around 1901, he was still a slender young man with a bright eye and a brown lock. Not yet definitively fixed in Paris, he hesitated between Barcelona and the capital of the Arts. At that time, he is very good with another very young painter of 20 years like him, Casagemas. Both meet in 1900 in a café in Barcelona. They register in the same painting workshop. Casagemas, who is financially comfortable, invites Picasso to accompany him to Paris. Lack of pot, the first amorache of a dancer of the Moulin Rouge who disdains him, then cheats on him. The two rapins return to Barcelona, ​​but Casagemas, more depressed than ever, leaves alone in Paris. In desperation, he tries to kill his beautiful unfaithful, without succeeding, then returns the weapon against him. You can always read more Science News and Discovery.

Picasso runs, but it’s too late. His friend is dead. He then sinks into a serious depression that makes him see life in blue. So begins his blue period. Fernande will have to appear so that life turns pink. So begins the pink period.

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