Male-female equality, is when?

Male-female equality, is when?

After ten years of improvement, inequalities between women and men across the world have increased, according to the World Economic Forum, which is based on five areas – health, survival, political emancipation, economic opportunities, and education – to do its calculations. The latest science news discoveries in 2016, show that 68.3% of the disparity was


Girls’ education and gender equality

Girls’ education and gender equality are at the heart of GPE’s vision to improve learning and equity for all by 2020, through strengthened education systems. According to the latest science news discoveries, since 2000, progress has been made to boost girls’ enrollment in school. However, it is estimated that 131 million girls in the world


UNESCO publishes new standards for comprehensive sexuality education: gender ideology for 5-year-olds

Under the signing of Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, the UN Cultural Agency has just published its new standards for comprehensive sexuality education, in particular to achieve better implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs) which express the UN’s political plan for 2030. For each age group, UNESCO foresees the knowledge and attitudes to