Science Discovery News

Science Discovery News

Are you a night owl or an early bird?
Latest Science News Discoveries and facts are speaking that night owls have a higher risk of suffering from heart diseases and diabetes that the early birds. People who go to sleep later tend to have unhealthier diet, they consume more alcohol, sugars, fast food and caffeinated drinks than people who go to bed earlier, don’t miss their breakfast and eat more fruit and vegetables. A research has been made about people who consider themselves as a night owl and if that kind of lifestyle influence their health.

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LogosFreeBooks is an English-language reference media where you can find the Latest Science News Discoveries. On as well you will find science articles and Environmental News and Social Science News. Learn what threatens our future and our planet and be sure to do your part and protect it. Although we have multiple choices of information for Global Warming, developments in science, medicine, technology, history, and more. Logos Free Books is the new smart.

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Best Science News Sources can be the best place where you can find the Best Science News Sources that are entertaining and educational. This site explores scientific researches from people’s point of view, cultural, political and psychological issues that are linked with or lives. LogoFreeBooks can be Your source for the latest scientific news.
Last but not least, there is a science, called Cool Science and its main focus is to make science cool for kids, and here you will find all cool science news.


UNESCO publishes new standards for comprehensive sexuality education: gender ideology for 5-year-olds

Under the signing of Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, the UN Cultural Agency has just published its new standards for comprehensive sexuality education, in particular to achieve better implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs) which express the UN’s political plan for 2030. For each age group, UNESCO foresees the knowledge and attitudes to

“The day of the African child” on Saturday, October 7, 2017, provides you that a press conference was held at the CEFOD in N’Djamena to present the collection of news “The African Child’s Day“. This exceptional event was organized by the Association of Chadian Writers of French Speech (ASEAT). The press conference was also moderated by the indispensable Sosthène Mbernodji,